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How to keep hunting


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Thought all that were interested in hunting with dogs and such like would find this interesting. Its an article on BBC News Online about how the Countryside Alliance has produced a Booklet about how to keep hunting by sailing close to the wire and using all 'loop-holes' available from the Ban on Hunting Act.



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I think this force the goverment to bring in ammendments to the ban that will restrict us further.





The thing is they have a real problem there politically.


After 700 hours spent in Parliament trying to get hunting banned and eventually getting their ban, any more time spent would be an admission that after all that they got it wrong.


People can talk about loopholes all they like, but in this country we are "supposedly" allowed to do what we like unless it is proscribed by law.

If the hunts continue in a way that is not illegal then they are doing nothing wrong.


Most anti video"evidence" has been thrown out by the courts over the years and I think the police will be hard pushed to bring prosecutions that will stand up.


If you steal something and the goods are not found on you there is little chance that you will be found guilty. It is difficult to prove you have stolen anything without actual evidence. Then how the hell do they prove that when you were exercising your hounds and they accidentally caught a fox that you intended them to do so.


The lawyers will have a field day and a few cases will be brought, but I believe that so few cases where brought will be upheld that pressure will come on the CPS to stop wasting public money.

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