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Beretta Skeet Chokes


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Hi All, The chokes I refer to are Beretta VICTORY extended mobilchokes (NOT OPTIMA)


I think I read somewhere that Beretta skeet chokes come in two versions - a uk skeet and a us skeet.


One of these chokes is in between cycl and imp cylinder like most skeet chokes are.

The other is actually a negative constriction ie.. more open than cylinder.


Can anyone confirm this ?

Which is which ?

Are the band colours different ?


Where can I buy the version which is a constriction between cycl and imp cyclinder.

I know that Teague, Briley, etc make there own versions but I am particularly interested in Beretta's own choke.


Does anyone have one they wish to part with ?


Any info appreciated... Thanks.

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I have found out the answer to my own question just in case anyone else was remotely interested.


Beretta mobil chokes including the Victory extended do indeed come in two versions.


UK Skeet is 0.730 which is wider than the actual bore of the barrel which is 0.723 thus giving a trumpet like effect and wide and open pattern.

US Skeet is 0.718 thus giving a constriction of 0.005


The US skeet choke seems to be more widely avaialable and in the Victory model is designated by a Fuscia coloured band.


I think I need to get out more !!! :good:



Oh... I have now managed to get one !!

Edited by dogfish
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