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Another few Bites The Dust!!!

Maori Haz

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Dear All,


Went out yesterday with airgun at mate's house, great shooting for the whole 20 minutes we went out!!! First as we crept around the corner of his garage i saw a little head pop up and so i warned my friend and gently raised my rifle, a little crack and the little ****** fell forwards without a twitch. I was congratulated and we looked on and found a pigeon sitting unaware at the top of a big oak, but as the backround was pasture he raised his rifle and swiftly capped the bird and it fell to the ground stone dead ???. we moved on for about 5 minutes and came across 2 squirrels and my friend topped the first one (in another tree) without warning the other which bounced along the branch and stopped eating a nut. Another one for the Quarry bag. There had been a magpie in the area and seeing what the commotion was about, it came down for a peek, that also joined the bag. It was a good 20 minutes out but we added to it by nailing a rabbit from his front lawn about an hour later.


Our bag was 3 squirrels, 1 pigeon, 1 maggie, and 1 wabbit ;)





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Treerats are one of the funniest animals to go after as they always try to run making themselves more and more obvious, but when they go into hiding you just can find them. Oh the ammount of time i have spent looking for them up a tree. But well done sounds like a good bag, especially in 20 mins, i sometimes struggle to get dat much in a day lol. ???

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