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Sillosocks Decoys


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Been using Sillosocks Decoys for the past 6 months now, combined with Hypa Flap rotary &/or Mag357 bouncers (2) & have to say I am really impressed with these.


Shot over maize cover crop last weekend & they work really well in a breeze, the decoy air sock fills & you get quite a bit of movement in the pattern with the heads down version steadily pecking up & down.


I'm taking my lad out for the first time tomorrow, so I hope they work their magic again!

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Had a poor day (but a better day than at work!) with only a couple.


Anyway, it was nice to spend the morning with my son even if I did catch the little herbert piling up fallen maize under the deeks - he thought it would look more appetising to the pigeons!


Tried my other 3 farms, but there were no birds around at all on Saturday - plenty of Roe deer though - saw 6 come out of one wood together, what a lovely sight!


Hopefully take the lad this Saturday for another try.

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Ive tried them over laid maize in a moderate wind and they scared the birds off from coming into the pitch. I dont like them and I dont think they are much cop, but each to his own. Perhaps I was doing something wrong.`


I thinks we all get too wound up wth decoying Gimmicks these days, if you set your decoys out where pigeons are feeding you WILL get results.


Flappers and rotaries, bouncers and wands, lofted decoys and peckers Sillosocks and kites, What will it be next Computorised replicas of real birds ?


All this expensive gadgetry is no substitute for good old fashioned field craft and a bit of inherited knowledge.

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