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Magnet in standing maze.


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Yesterday I disturbed a lot of pigeons off a 500 yard strip of maze running both sides of a hedge. With such a long strip the birds could drop in anywhere and the height of the maze ment decoys could not be used. However there was a gateway in the hedge So I set the magnet in the gap along with a bouncer. They worked like a dream with 90% of the returning birds comming in over the magnet and giving testing shooting

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Yesterday I disturbed a lot of pigeons off a 500 yard strip of maze running both sides of a hedge. With such a long strip the birds could drop in anywhere and the height of the maze ment decoys could not be used. However there was a gateway in the hedge So I set the magnet in the gap along with a bouncer. They worked like a dream with 90% of the returning birds comming in over the magnet and giving testing shooting



Nice one well done , pays to be adaptable with this game :yes:

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