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I couldn't resist the M2


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I just had to try her on the clays today..Amazing ! I shot much better with this than the O/U, and this was the first time I had with shot her !, was it the light weight ? or because I use a single barrel gun a lot more than an O/U ? or was it the "Crio" barrel and chokes ? the chokes are very long inside the bore and claim to give much better consistent pattern..sales Bull Poo ?..Maybe but I hit a lot more and at a greater range and that's with a 26"..Who knows I pulled the trigger and it went bang.. :yes:

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I've shot one since they came out and sold many of them in my store. Obviously yours fits you. I think the stepped rib gives a great sight picture. Routinely, guys I sold them to, would say just what you have. Also the gun doesn't move off the shoulder so much due to recoil, so second and/or third shots are better as well.



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