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parker hale silencer question


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hi all i just brought a old parker hale silencer. upon opening it up to look at internals i have found 2 of the baffels are mishapen. the first was fine but then the 2 under seem to be all bent. i wondered is this a design? or have they somehow got bent? and if they had any theories or suggestions. in the pic it goes top one on left then 3rd down on right so bend gets worse as it goes further toward gun. the ones underneath seem fine though!? its odd. thanks for any insight! tom

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yeah thats what i thought but how come the top one is ok and why would this happen toward the end of the silencer? its really odd. i suppose if the force of the round was absorbed by the 2 then the 3rd might not have gotten damaged. but i stilll cant understand how that happened. has it happened to anyone else before? should i ask for my money back?

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I have one that has hardly been used and all the baffles are like that and I can categorically state that no rounds have hit them.

I was under the impression that it was like that to act as an additional spoiler for the gasses being emitted.

It also makes sure you line them up correctly or you won't get all the baffles back in.

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All the washers are slightly bent as part of the design. However they should all look the same. When you disassemble this moderator all the washers will fall out and need to be re-alligned using a metal rod supplied with the moderator. If someone just re-assembled the mod without the aligning rod some of the washers will be out of alignment and a round may strike them on it's way out. This has clearly happened to yours.. You probably can still get use out of this mod if you re-assemble it carefully using a suitable sized rod or dowell.

Edited by Silhouette
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They can usually be aligned by putting a piece of 6mm brazing rod or something similar down the middle to align the baffles, that's if you don't have the original rod that used to be sold with them.


also you can use a phillips screwdriver that is long enough to go into the p/h to align the washers.


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  • 5 months later...
its a parker hale but it is pretty old i suspect! ive put it back together but youcan clearly see if you look down it that it isnt right. the bent washer seems to not fit properly anymore. ill ask for my money back i think thanks for all your inputs, appreciated

ive seen new baffles for them at about a fiver chambers maybe google them you can get them

Edited by bongo321
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