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Animal Transit Box


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Animal/Dog Transit Box ideal for the back of a Pick-up truck or large 4x4.


The box was a one of custom build made from polypropylene which is a really heavy duty plastic same has the CAB Transit box's. It has a textured exterior finish which looks very smart and a smooth interior finish so you can wipe or wash the inside clean.


The box has two doors, central removable devider, carry handles and rubber matts. It also has two bolted clips so the box can be strapped down to the vehicle.


There's been three DATATAGS fitted to prevent theft and two non removable stickers complete with registration certificate.


It's not your typical mesh door box, instead theres six large holes on each door. The reason for this is so your dogs can be transported on an open backed pick-up still able to keep warm and dry without the eliments lashing into the box.


The condition is very good and the measurments are as follows:


36" wide

31" deep

27" high


The box was built to a very high standard by a professional and is more pracitcal than Trans K9 and Lintran, and i'd say on a par with CAB. Pictures via email on request, £200 Collection only please.


PS, Working nights so it could be tomorow afternoon before any replys are sent.

Edited by decroyffe
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