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Great day out


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Friday morning I arrived at the farm after being invited to go pigeon shooting by a PW member (Activeviii). As this was the first time I had been shooting for ten years and being a guest (not to mention being unsure of my ability after so long away from the sport) I was apprehensive. I needn't have been and activeviii was a top bloke and even gave me and another guest the choice positions to shoot. The day was restricted to school hours due to horse riders but I was glad to be out even if it had been for one hour. Appart from a bit of rain, the weather was perfect with a decent wind and good visibility.


The birds were staying away in numbers but there was a steady flow to keep us interested. All-in-all we shared a bag of 50 between three of us which for a gap of so long gave me tons of confidence (only 9 for me).


Thanks to PW, I came into contact with activeviii and without it, I wouldn't have had such a great day out. Thanks for the day mate and I salute you for allowing me to share your day and giving up a prime position. :oops:



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Well done Stripey, its nice to swing those barrels again, Nice responce to Activeviii and fair play to him for giving you the opportunity. Just been reading a thread by Tombsy such a contrast to the experience you have had.


Well done to you both.



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i read Tombsy's post too and I think some people can be too narrow minded. If you share permissions it can and should be an advantage at certain times. If the land is big enough, multiple guns keep the birds moving. In the past I have invited others to my permissions and when I moved from the area, I introduced the most reliable/safe and conciderate gun to the farmer. What goes aroung comes around and hopefully tombsy will be the last one laughing.

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hay! nothing to do with me. :D i dont have a problem with people coming shooting with me, i never have, its good to be in the position where i can offer a little bit from time to time even if the shooting can be pants at times. as i know how hard it is sometime to get shooting and there's no way i can see people get charged to control farmers pests, it aint on in my book.


i have more this week on a differant farm but i need the farmer on one farm to get me the shooting on the one next door so the birds will be moved about.



as for Fridays shooting, it was good to meet you, shame the birds had packed up again but we only had that one day given to us by a farmer who dosent like me shooting in the day due to the horses but it was a way of thanks for the fo control for the last 2 years. yes thats the only time i have been shooting in the day on that farm for 2 years.lol. i gave up in the end as i couldnt hit them but it made my day laughing at darren shouting at his dog for picking the wrong birds up and hearing him telling the sparrow hawk off for stealing his pigeon shell.lmao.



will be in touch soon Stripey



All the best



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