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Oiled finished stock


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I used Linseed when I last did one of mine, normal Linseed gives a silky matt finish, wheras boiled linseed give a shinier varnishy finish (from what I can remember) . make sure the stock is clean of all previous muck, I even bought chequering tools and dressed my tired lot, sand the stock finishing with the smoothest flour paper you can get, then just keep on applying - letting sit -applying-letting it sit etc etc last did mine twenty five years ago its still good, just doesn't have that lovely smell anymore. I remember at the time that you could buy kits with the oil and little paint pads etc but I can't remember what oil they had in them (it wasn't Linseed) Hope this helps


oh yeah... you might need that flour paper between coats

Edited by Gobfish
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Thanks for a quick reply; I was reading about oil called “True oil” have you come across that?


I used true oil to refinish my shotgun, applied as already suggested, coat on coat, came up too shiney for me so I cut it back with the finest wire wool I could get and added a little wax, it looks fantasic even though I say so myself.


Beast of luck with yours

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If you use the search function here, you will get loads of info. Truoil is great, but will build up faster than many others. Stripping the old finish is the hard part. If you use a chemical stripper, mask off your checkering well.


Search and you'll have the answers.


Good luck,



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For what it is worth I use Truoil and boiled Linseed oil mixed together. The Truoil gives more of a waterproof finish.


As has been said before, lots of very thin coats with time to dry in between will give you the best results.



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