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Red filter for LED Lenser P7

Al Downie

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i make all my filters out of quality street wrappers


EXCELLENT plan! I'm off to see if I can order one of the red ones from Uttings right now. It'll be just my luck if that happens to be a nut one.


Thanks our kid - will pick up some quality street tomorrow!





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EXCELLENT plan! I'm off to see if I can order one of the red ones from Uttings right now. It'll be just my luck if that happens to be a nut one.


Thanks our kid - will pick up some quality street tomorrow!








there is a red one in the quality streets not bad but a little dark so limits range too about 35-40yrds at a stretch, damn site cheaper than the proper ones and probably just as effective :good:

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How big is the diameter of the front of the torch. I got an amber and red filter that were made for a Ledray GL2 and they fitted my Ultrafire WF-501B a treat.


Bear in mind though there isn't much colour in an LED light so filters can whack the range down quite a bit. Mine goes from about 200yards to 20 with the red one on.

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Thanks all.


Colster - it hadn't occurred to me about the spectrum from an LED being different to a tungsten light - will check it out with a toffee wrapper before spending money on a 'real' filter...






I found amber worked ok but the red was quite a drastic drop.

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