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1st Independat Muntjac Stalk.............

Evil Elvis

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:angry: Went to one of my permissions tonight to try out the new .222. Went with Bionicle and my Daughter. There were Muntjac tracks everywhere, and larger tracks? Roe/Fallow AND some bloody Huge tracks, defo deer, but the only ones Ive ever seen that big were reds in Clacton so Im puzzled, there are reputed to be a few in Epping and I was right near there, almost the size of a cd!!!!


Anyway, we crept into some woods, taking the seriously scenic route down wind and bionicle badged up one end of the woods, i did the other end over looking a stream at around 100 yards, Ive seen Munty and Roe there before at dusk. We were there about half an hour, it was pretty dark but i had good viion through the scope still.


I scanned the river and thought wed blown it when to my right, 40 yards away stood a buck in the wheat munching away, had he been there all along and just stood up i wondered.I raised the gun slowly and nothing happenned when i squeezed the trigger....DOH. Bionicle and I had agred not to chamber a round while we were walking, damn!!! I slowly and very carefully chambered a round but that tiny click was all he needed he was off like a rocket back down into the stream....******! It was a really nice buck too, bigger than any Munty I have ever seen previously!!!


Bionicle came along 2 mins later and suggested we had back to the cars and get some lamps for some foxing, as we started to move he looked behind me and said whats that? about 40 yards away was a fox sat watching us, we both lifted our rifles ready to shoot and he ran across in font of us, as he was so close I decided to take a running shot....and so did Bionicle simultaneously!!!! so she got a 50gr .222 and a 75gr .243....needless to say she didnt suffer lol.


We played cat and mouse with the local foxes for another hour then called it a night, typically saw a big deer ? fallow/ roe in the lamp about 30 yards from the cars!!!!


I also made the mistake of "testing" my new gun out at range on a rabbit 100 yards + freestanding....errrrgh....shant do that again!!!!




Edited by Evil Elvis
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You rarely go out after deer without learning something EE, I reckon I have learnt more going solo for the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 8 years.

The only advice I can pass on is you can't walk too slowly, and make sure you stop regularly, and keep scanning, if you haven't been noisy sometimes they will come very close so just keep scanning even areas you have scanned before.

Having really good binoculars is a bonus too, the first glimpse you get may just be an ear or a nose in amongst the cover.

I hope you get him , I shot my first decent buck yesterday and I am still buzzing this morning.

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:angry: I know what you mean, im still buzzing and i DIDNT eeven shoot him lol. No signs this morning BUT tried the .222 long range styleee and took out a bunny at a measured 298 yARDS!!!!! No hold over, just aimed top of head and walloped him in the chest woot woot!! Edited by Evil Elvis
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