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anschutz 1517 question


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If my memory serves me correctly Anschutz minimun barrel on the .17HMR 1517 is 22".


On the .22lr 1417 it is 14".


I have used the 1417 but not 1517, anschutz seem happy with 14" on the .22lr but not so with the HMR.


Many people buy or cut their HMR down to 16", sometimes more, frankly I would not want to take a HMR below 16".



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If my memory serves me correctly Anschutz minimun barrel on the .17HMR 1517 is 22".


On the .22lr 1417 it is 14".


I have used the 1417 but not 1517, anschutz seem happy with 14" on the .22lr but not so with the HMR.


Many people buy or cut their HMR down to 16", sometimes more, frankly I would not want to take a HMR below 16".




I have a 1517 without a cut down barrel. With a mod on the end it does make it a little barrel heavy and a bit more difficult to wield in confined spaces but then the point of the HMR is the velocity and the flat trajectory. Just bear in mind that cutting the barrel down will significantly alter the muzzle velocity and hence max range, effective range, spin rate of the round and stabilisation and wind effects. Clearly the further the target the greater the effect.


I really love shooting my 1517, very crisp refined and mega accurate. You can take bunnies down consistently at just over 100m or so (used to shoot on airfields with little or no cover!)

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thanks guys have found out from gunsmith and off the annie website that the 1517 comes in 18" and 14" barrels. and although the shorter barrels will effect the velocity it isnt by a great deal ( 30 fps ) or something like that which i can live with.

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