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cricket club


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after another bad day i arrived at the cricket club just before dark , i settled in waited about 30mins then stalked round the club house not a sign of mr wabbit

i noticed that there had been a party there sat night + they had moved a load of soil that was in the way plus housed a warren ,

so i bet they were lying low , any way i made my way down the side of the pitch on my belly between the cricket signs and the hedge , i moved between one to take a look and there at about 50yards was a famly of rabbits they were nearly on the good stuff , i moved even closer on my belly i got within 35yards , and was now breathing like a good one i rested a moment to catch my breath .

i moved out from the sign looked through my scope there was 5 rabbits 3 young ones and 2 adults the female was very close to her young but the male was on his own i moved to get a better sight on him but he was off he stopped just past his young ones so i took aim on the female i steaded my breathing aimed just to the right of here eye , fired .

bowled her over not even a twitch the rest ran for it . thats it called it a night



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