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First night on a new permision


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I called the manager of a large estate’s scattered farms to check it’s clear for a drive round some of them last night.

“Yes please and thank you very much” says he. “While I’m on the phone, when would be a good time to look at that other bit over where you are? I enquired “Ooh – this evening will be ok if you like Dave”


Well, I was expecting a moderate sized farm like most of their others but I was very pleasantly surprised to discover it was a block of about 900 acres, all arable land like the rest of the 3000 ish acres total belonging to the estate. That’s the largest single block of land available to me yet - Whoop Whoop Whoop! A quick chat about the map took place, got advised there are farm cats and we agreed I’d be gone by midnight before I set off in the Shogun Pinin that I share with the wife. Any of you wanting to see what I do from the door mirror into the headlights look on YouTube for “rabbit control Leicester”


There’s a certain something about the first time on a farm that makes me just want to keep going. Yes the fields look almost the same as all the others they own, mostly with wide margins, though twice I had to turn back because the crop was drilled to the hedge. It wasn’t long before I spotted a massive Hare which I left as my brief was to thin them out rather than eradicate them, plenty of time if I see too many on that patch later. It wasn’t long before I had my first rabbit and within an hour, or so I thought, I had ten. I could have had more if I’d known the land better but there’s plenty of time to get to know it and I don’t want to overshoot this one like I have most of the others.


I was so engrossed in exploring the farm I had forgotten the time. I don’t actually know what prompted me to check, which involved uncovering the lit up centre screen that I cover up when shooting but it was just gone 11PM so time to head towards the only access to the farm. Six more rabbits fell to the HMR on the way back making a total bag of 16 – to be sold at £1-50 each to pay for the 40 mile round trip and the bullets. I made the exit with 15 minutes to spare. I’d say the land is easily suited to 243 calibre but the farmer – who is not a shooter doesn’t know if it’s cleared for anything So I used the HMR which is open on my ticket. I had a very enjoyable three hour drive round almost half of the farm. I’ll probably be taking someone off the BBS round the other half next Sunday night.

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