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Question about foxes

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The majority of my shooting has been rough shooting and have been doing so ever since I was old enough, but my knowledge about foxes is very limited. However I did post on here recently that I shot some on my mates farm 1 vixen and 4 cubs. I thought that would have been the end to the foxes on that earth, but my dad said that he was over the same farm at the weekend and he said he saw 5 more cubs at the same earth. What I am wondering is could a fox have 9 cubs or could two families live in the same earth or is it that a vixen has moved her cubs into the disused earth.


Thanks Shane

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I would say its one of 2 things.

1) A neibouring vixen has moved into take over the new territory.They respond pretty quick when a fox gets shot/dies etc and there will quite often be a fresh fox moving in within a week.

2) Its not unheard of for the dog fox to father and feed more than one family.If he feels its safer to move the cubs and vixen he will do so if he feels its a safer place to be or the place of birth/earth is endangered in anyway.


I very much doubt a fox would/could have a litter of 9.Usually 4 or 5 max.Unlike a dog they have smaller litters with the aim of making sure they all survive.Any more than 5 they would be smaller/more dependent and also feeding 9 would be a major problem.

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It is most likely that there is another vixen that has decided to move her cubs in to this now unoccupied earth, possibly because she and her cubs have been disturbed from where they were.

A litter of more than 5 cubs is most unlikely but it is possible to find two litters both fathered by the same dog fox in one earth, especially if it is a big well established earth with a good food supply nearby.

Either way it sounds like you need to think about taking some action before the cubs become independant and leave home!

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