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Big Dog

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  markbivvy said:
ps I have shot rats on the bird table with the rimfire I suppose thats not safe either?


is this bird table in a your garden.

yes its a 1 1/4 acre garden surrounded by fields, I was making the point that you cannot generalise, otherise we would all be owning 20 or 30 guns one for each purpose?


I shoot around some of the local power stations and factories for bunnies, and before taking any shot consider the backstop,


I have done the BDS DSC level one and am working towards the level 2 as we speak (well next spring to be exact) I agree that a novice should not just shoot anywhere without a thought of the final stopping place for the bullet, but shirley the complete novice should not be out on his own with a gun? :devil:


(can of worms opening)

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Too right it's a can of worms opening, there is a saying "familiarality breeds comtempt" Why should experience give you a reason to be unsafe?


Nobody, experienced or otherwise should fire a shot without considering where it will end up.


You have done your DSC 1 I bet that they told you about backstops and you NEVER shoot a deer on the brow of a hill.


Shooting rats on the birdtable is not only not safe it's BL***y iresponsible.





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I don't see the difference between yorkshire and essex. I shoot on land that is miles from anywhere, A stray bullet will kill you doesn't matter what county you are in.


I assume that you have permission to shoot in all the fields that surround your garden? If not the it is constructive trespass if your bullet ends up over someones land





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