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Learning all the time!

adam f

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I'm very new to shooting Pigeon. In fact when I got my shotgun cert all I planned to do was smash a few clays, I was happy shooting live game with a rifle.... until a got an invite out decoying! :blink:


OMG! I am SOOO hooked! When that first pigeon came into the deeks the adrenaline rush was huge. In fact Ive hardly been out fishing this year as all I want to do is go pigeon shooting!


I'm finding it hard going getting a permission at the moment, the farmers all seem so hectic with the harvest. So Ive had to be content with invites from a couple of kind friends. It's frustrating though as I cant just go when I want!


Anyway went out last night for my 4th trip so far and l'm learning everytime. Last night wasnt like the trips Ive had previous. It was raining when we arrived and no pigeons anywhere - we spent over an hour with the bino's looking for a few birds - this was all new to me, but I now see why it pays off - lesson 1. We picked a field with a few birds showing and put up about 50 when we drove the field. My 1st mistake was to do what I should have learnt from my last trip - I went straight to where thebiggest mass of birds were.... but it was tight up against a fence and hedge with the wind in my face. The birds started coming in straight away to the deeks but it was very windy last night and they couldnt get down quick enough between me and the pattern... instead they landed pass the deeks about 100yds out..


After an hour of no shots watching them a long way off I made the decision to move to the opposite end of the field with the wind off my back. Bingo! Despite the birds being a away off the wind direction was better and they came in well to the pattern. Lesson 2.


Lesson 3 was how well natural cover this time of year works! In previous trips Ive just plonked my hide down near the hedge, this trip I tucked in behind the standing grass and crop around the margin of the field... it was so good I struggled to find the hide after picking up a few times!


Final lesson 4 is that Ive been getting too excited when birds approach often not letting them commit and trying hard fast shots whilst they are a way off. Now I leave the gun propped against the hide which gives me a few extra seconds and Ive found that aften they come right in and present a much easier shot! Mind you even then I still miss a few!


Anyway that's my ramblings as a newbie to pigeon shooting. I ended up with just an hour's shooting before they went to roost last night. I shot just 4, lost on in the field behind and missed 4 so not the huge bags you guys make but It's great fun though!



Edited by adam f
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