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Which Fibre Wad cartridges?

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I am wondering which cartridges people would recommend for the following (all fibre wad)


1. Sporting clay pigeon shooting (with a Miroku MK70).

2. Pigeon Shooting (with a Winchester SX3).

3. Pheasant shooting (Miroku MK70)


I am currently using some 24g size 9 fibre Eley Firsts for number 1 above and they seem ok. I should be doing some decoying soon and was wondering if the cartridges that I get for that would also be suitable for my first game shoots later in the year.


I am looking at the cheaper end of the scale, but still want something good enough....


Thanks in advance!

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Ok, i'll go first. These are my personal preferences, but i'm sure i'll get told i'm wrong by someone wiser:


Clays - 28g 7.5 Kent Velocity (£139/1000)

Pigeons - 32g 6 currently SuperGame but whatever the RFD has got in that doesnt break the bank (Approx £160/1000)

Pheasant - last season Rio 32g 5 or Supreme Game (?) 34g 5, but this year i've bought some XtremeGame 32g 5 from just carts (£194/1000) to have a go with as they are basically Gamebore Pure Gold with a JC print on the case but £50/1000 cheaper.



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Guest cookoff013

for pigeons and pheseant i`d go with rio`s. 30-32g #6 never a bad cartridge.

very underated, not chavish at all.

often they are quite cheap too. i find these a better than average value cartridge.


for clays, i`d say just shoot what ever you can get your hands on.

if you were shooting competitively, you would have set criteria, and buy one product and use it exclusively when you find one you like.


i would shoot hull cartridge exclusively, if i could. they make brilliant cartridges. good / exellent presentation.

i used hull and rio`s for the last season. i`d buy rio`s again in a heartbeat.

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