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Problems with Deben Tracer Variable Controllers

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First one failed (hot and smoking) first night out in the field - OK I thought these things happen with electronics - it was replaced with no quibble.


In the following year or so I've used the replacement a handful of times and the second one packed up a while ago (same gig).


Took the second one apart tonight and the variable resistor (potentiometer / rheostat in old parlance) is the component that has smoked. Looks to me like either it's under rated for the job or the power driver IC has gone pop and cooked it (unlikey cos' the power driver IC should be on the output stage and the variable resistor on the input.


So, anyone else had the same trouble? I'm minded to contact Deben direct cos' this ain't cricket in my book...


If anyone has had the same problem then rip the guts out the controller and put the two wires going into it across the switch - pretty sure that will work.


For anyone contemplating buying one don't bother - I've never wanted the thing turned down from max since I bought it - simple on / off is adequate.

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