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Frontline spot on/combo

Dirty Harry

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I was at the vets the other day and we were chatting about frontline. He said that there is a difference between the frontline he can sell and the one you can get from pet or countryside shops. He sells Frontline Combo and the shops sell frontline spot on.

From what I can tell combo kills fleas in the house and bedding also whereas spot on just does the dog.

Vet says he has had quite a few people in as the dogs have fleas but they are using spot on.

Just thought I would mention it and see if anyone else was aware that there is a difference.



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You've summed it up quite nicely there! The active ingredient that kills the fleas (fipronil) is the same in both products and is an effective flea and louse killer (and a less effective tick killer).


The Frontline Combo includes an extra ingredient that treats the environment (S-methoprene) killing the eggs and larvae in the environment helping to break the fleas lifecycle.


The Frontline is available over the counter in agricultural merchants, pharmacies and some pet shops, the Frontline Combo is POM-V and only available from your vet or under prescription.


The combo is better, but Frontline works - so long as you use the correct size and apply it to the skin on the back of the neck (not drop it on the hair).

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You've summed it up quite nicely there! The active ingredient that kills the fleas (fipronil) is the same in both products and is an effective flea and louse killer (and a less effective tick killer).


The Frontline Combo includes an extra ingredient that treats the environment (S-methoprene) killing the eggs and larvae in the environment helping to break the fleas lifecycle.


The Frontline is available over the counter in agricultural merchants, pharmacies and some pet shops, the Frontline Combo is POM-V and only available from your vet or under prescription.


The combo is better, but Frontline works - so long as you use the correct size and apply it to the skin on the back of the neck (not drop it on the hair).



I get frontline combo from pets at home

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