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BSA Lightning XL

Sha Bu Le

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Well pleased with this gun, got it sighted in at about 12 yards which is all I need for the moment.


Very accurate (better than me) 5p groupings consistantly but it is only 12 yards.

Will find out later what its like at longer ranges.

Compact neat springer feels heavy for its size but its very manageable.

Recoil once you get the feel of it is easily manageable. Silencer could do with improving but for my needs its adequate.

Mechanically it is noisy but shooting from inside into garden so lot of sound bouncing off the walls, expect it will settle down once there has been a few hundred pellets though it. Only fired around 100 maybe less to date.


One criticism, the safety is totally manual, you need to reset it each time you load up so need to double up on safety procedures.


All round a cracking little gun and good value for money. Would recommend to anyone on a smaller budget and looking for a general purpose air rifle.


The scope a Hawke 3-9 x 40 mildot has developed a fault, a mark has appeared on the inside of the occular lens. Going to take it back to

Deepblue Shooting, see if they can sort it out.




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