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Browning A5 washers


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Hi All,

Ive got 2 Browning A5 autos (12 bore and 16 bore)which I shoot 2or3 times/yr keep them because they cost little and are part of shotgun history. Idecided to give them a birthday clean but found neither had recoil bronze bushes in either. they both shoot ok but wonder if I'm doing any damage by shooting them without? Also are they available esp 16 bore. Anyone an Expert on A5's? :rolleyes:

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The bronze friction rings are there to slow down the speed that the action recoils at to prevent undue battering to the receiver but when you put new ones in you will probably find that they will not cycle light loads.

In the American shooting world they can go through over ten thousand rounds a year so your 2/3 times a year probably no more than 300 rounds should not make an difference to wear and tear on the receiver , My 103 year old a5 gets 2/3000 through it a year without a friction piece as it will not cycle with anything less than 32 gram with it fitted,Even spotless inside and set up and adjusted as per the browning manual.

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The bronze friction rings are there to slow down the speed that the action recoils at to prevent undue battering to the receiver but when you put new ones in you will probably find that they will not cycle light loads.

In the American shooting world they can go through over ten thousand rounds a year so your 2/3 times a year probably no more than 300 rounds should not make an difference to wear and tear on the receiver , My 103 year old a5 gets 2/3000 through it a year without a friction piece as it will not cycle with anything less than 32 gram with it fitted,Even spotless inside and set up and adjusted as per the browning manual.

Thanks Andy I only use 28gram in my 12 and Express 2 1/2'' 25 gram in the 16 because it is a true 65mm 67mm jam because the gun is around 2 1/2''. Incidentally to digress, how do you age your A5? :good:

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