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due to timewasters there are still 13 silosock pinkfeet for sale 3 pound each plus postage

which i believe to be 6 pound

atb dolphin

decoys now sold pending payment

decoys now sold again pending payment

atb dolphin

all deeks now sold

Edited by dolphin
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I hope your not reguarding me as a time waster, ive said i would have them the other day, ive sent you a pm and replied on here that i will have them if they are still available.


What more can i do??


you can return my phone calls from thursday night like you said you would when i rung you at 9 45


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think you need to sort out your outstanding issues with previous buyers from reading the posts i withdraw my offer to buy for time being


as i dont have issues with previous buyers which would mean somebody bought something from me buy getting in touch to exchange payment

details i will not wait 2 or 3 days for people to get in touch when otherpeople are being turned down for the same items as for you withdrawing your offer for the time being if you want them say so now or they go to next in line which will be henry d


Edited by dolphin
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if post 4 is not an outstanding issue i dont know what else you can call it

if you read post 6 you will see what i am talking about as i also sold the shells on here only to have to sell them again

through person not being in touch and still hasnt like i said if you want them say so

atb dolphin

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