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brand new jack pike waterproof wisper coat and bottoms!

macca R-10

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brand new tried them on and dont like them these cost me £150 ish from local gun shop


after £80 or swap crono mk4 n cash my way :hmm: or rapid .22 barrel n cash B)


coat: L



Bottoms: M



Gloves: mine have grip blobs on underside unlike these :yes:


Edited by macca R-10
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Can you not just take them back and have a refund?


As for people looking and no offers, it maybe that many people like me would like to buy, but in my case I would have to go and find the same item in a shop first to try on. I have found for some reason the clothing for things shooting related are all over the place, not just between brands but style in the same brand.


I am naturally a XL, 46 in chest with 17 1/2 in collar and for me normal clothes can be hard work through too many years spent training, but shooting related clothing is a nightmare..............


Just offering an opinion as to why the views and no offers, but seriously if unworn, refund !

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Can you not just take them back and have a refund?


As for people looking and no offers, it maybe that many people like me would like to buy, but in my case I would have to go and find the same item in a shop first to try on. I have found for some reason the clothing for things shooting related are all over the place, not just between brands but style in the same brand.


I am naturally a XL, 46 in chest with 17 1/2 in collar and for me normal clothes can be hard work through too many years spent training, but shooting related clothing is a nightmare..............


Just offering an opinion as to why the views and no offers, but seriously if unworn, refund !


tried he wont :yes:

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Macca, what size is Medium on the trousers? I'm 6' 3" with a 34" waist? Would you sell just the trousers if the size is right?


hi mate im just shy of 6ft and 36" waist and broad to fk shoulders n chest lol


the bottoms are elasticated and will fit id say 26- 40" waist and long ish legs there long ish on me but i like em like that as i can tuck them into boots etc...


but i would tbh pref to sell all as one :yes:


atb macca

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150 views but no sale are these to dear?



I suspect if someone is looking to buy these jacket / trousers anyway, then you might get your asking price.

It is probably a bit high to tempt someone into an impulse buy.


Just my opinion.

Good luck with the sale :yes:



Edited by HW682
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