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This afternoon's shoot


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Was out with Dekers this afternoon, after the deer, and then later for fox/rabbit under the lamp.


Things started well, with us actually leaving on time (very rare!). I'd spotted some deer when out with the .222 on this permission the other day, so we decided take advantage of the good weather and take the right tools today.


Luckily, we spotted 4 deer in a safe position shortly after we arrived. They were a fair way away but no way to get closer as no cover at all. We got down prone on the bipods and I ranged the deer at around 220 yards.


I dialled in with the aid of my phone complete with Ballistic, and Deker sorted out his drop also. We then had to decide who was going to shoot. Since we both really wanted to, we decided we both would. luckily, 2 of the 4 deer were male, so we sighted on one each. Then 3 - 2 - 1 - bang! We've done this a few times on rabbits and they've always both been shot, and this was also the case with the deer, a definite result!


Both deer safely on the deck, we headed over to find neat holes. Gralloching took next to no time and we then dragged them off to a friend for butchering (very luckily he lives on-site and does a tremendous job).


We did get a picture, will get it online if I can get it to scale to something smaller!


Headed out on the lamps later, spotted a fox off in the distance, and walked in closer. Once we'd got close enough to see it from prone, that was duly nailed as well - a successful test of my new 222 load and scope.


All in all, a very successful evening's shooting and much enjoyed - sadly work tomorrow :rolleyes:

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