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Shipping an air rifle to the Rep. of Ireland


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Query folks.


My in-laws have a 200 acre dairy farm in the Irish Republic (County Clare to be precise).


Dad's got rabbits on the land. Not an infestation but a fair amount that may potentially become a bigger issue in time.


I have an HW97k taking up space in the cabinet (God, I'd love that Charles Boswell that SteveT's selling...)


We go over to Ireland at least 4-5 times a year.


I'd like to send the rifle over there.


My dad-in-law's cool about applying for the Irish equivalent of a FAC.




How would I go about getting the gun over there, legally.


Should I apply for my EFP and travel with the rifle next time we visit, gift the gun to dad so that he can declare it?


Any Irish shooters able to give some info re this - anybody able to more's the point?

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Hi there Have a look at this link.


If you need any forms, PM me im about 2 minutes from the Republic and can get the forms in the Guardi station if needed (think its possible to download them though).




Just to let you know if your gifting the Gun then whoever is getting it can just start from point 2 on the list in the link and send away their existing FAC with the importation form, as i dont think you will be applying for an Irish FAC?


In the meantime get your Father in law to apply for his ticket to start the ball rolling.

Edited by Fishermanpaddy
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Brilliant, cheers for that info mate. You're right, everything from step 2 onwards seems to be relevant.


Just wondering though - would I not be better off just getting an EFP so I can just take the rifle to and fro as and when? Looks like the rules & reg's governing storage over there could be a PITA as I'd have to shell out the cash for a cabinet in order to comply (or allow my dad-in-law to comply) with guidelines.


Right can of worms I've opened :good:

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It would be a lot easier to travel with the gun with the EFP rather than going through the process of application and then the cabinet etc.


However if your travelling 4-5 times a year then you might want to consider it. I have never travelled to other countries with a gun (except the republic of course) so im not sure what the guidelines will be for planes, ferries etc. You could try it for the first couple of trips and then decide if its less hassle travelling with it or going through the application.


Hope your bunny busting on your next trip...

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Was thinking along the lines of gun in the boot of the car>Stranraer>Larne>Clare>gun out of the boot and nobody's any the wiser but... common sense prevails. It might just be a damned sight easier to take it over on EFP as I won't be breaking any laws. Aer Lingus allows the carriage of firearms (for a fee of approx £40) but Ryanair doesn't. Only thing is Aer Lingus don't fly to Shannon but Ryanair does and as you may know, Shannon airport's in Clare.


So, it looks like a flight to Dear Auld Dublin may be on the cards. Suits me - that greedy little swine O'Leary can kiss my hairy bean-bag: he's had enough money from me & mine over the years :angry:

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that greedy little swine O'Leary can kiss my hairy bean-bag: he's had enough money from me & mine over the years :angry:


Yeah the f###er would probably try and cahrge you 10p per pellet or something.


Definitely do it by the book, the PSNI and the Guards are going bannanas over here at the minute setting up checkpoints left right and centre because of the bombings in Derry recently and the heigtened dissident activity. Without a doubt County clare would be an area of focus for the guards.

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Without a doubt County clare would be an area of focus for the guards.

Yeah, they're a bit "radical" down that way :hmm:


But you're 100% right: legal, by the book and to the letter of the law - I don't fancy sharing a cell with some big lifer from Limerick. Just spoke to my dad-in-law and he's off to the Gardai station tomorrow to get the ball rolling. I've also spoken with my wife who's agreed that next visit will be via ferry in January at some point so I'll look into getting my EFP sorted (should allow me to transport one of the shotty's over if I fancy giving the rabbit population the fright of their lives at a later stage), "gift" the '97 to her old man. Bob's yer uncle & Fanny's yer granny.


Just need to find a cheap gun cabinet now :angry:


Never rains but it pours, eh?


**Stop Press**


Just spoke to my FEO who advised that the EFP can only be granted for weapons on my licence. Now, we hit a wall - I have an SGC but because the HW97's sub-FAC it's not subject to any restrictions in mainland UK (other than the usual ones) so therefore does not qualify for inclusion on an EFP. Also, if I was to do the ferry crossing scenario, I'd be travelling across Ulster with an illegally held air rifle as I'd have no certification from the PSNI to legally own an air rifle.


Aye, never rains but it pours alright :hmm:

Edited by Egg
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The EFP or Euro Pass will not cover you to posses a firearm in the ROI, using it may well see your firearm seized and a possible prosecution.


What you need is an "Out of State Firearms License". To get one you need to attend a local Garda station, bringing your FAC and Europass, fill out the paperwork and then pay your fee. The Gards will then send this off to Phoenix Park in Dublin who will issue the license.


Also if you intend to travel through Northern Ireland you will need a Certificate of Approval from the PSNI, otherwise you run the risk of a prosecution for "Illegal Possession of a Firearm".


***Should've read the OP's last post***


Try speaking to an RFD to transport this to an RFD in the ROI, as it's within the EU it should be fairly straightforward.

Edited by Pastiebap
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