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German Short Haired Pointer


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Hiya, putting this up for my mate , he's not internet equipped, so anyone thats interested, please PM me, and I'll forward his mobile.


Dog is in Broxburn, W.Lothian. He's a Liver and tick coloured dog..


I'm over in BB this weekend, and will take some decent pics of Dell, and post them up here...:)


Dell is an 18 month old GSP, 1/2 trained to the whistle, and will point easily.


He was a kennel housed dog, but the mrs brought him in one night, and he's never gone back to the kennel, :good: so, more a house living dog now...


He is absolutely brilliant with kids, and other dogs...I know this dog well, hes gorgeous, and has a fantastic temperament.


I would take him in a flash, but have a dog already...


He comes with 5 generation pedigree, and all innoculations are bang up to date...


Among his line are White Myrtles, Red Myrtles, and Dunpender, he's off really good working and show stock.


He is an extremely handsome dog, and would be a great show or working dog.


Any prospective owners WILL be vetted, and the new home WILL be visited.. :good:


Theres no rush to get rid of Dell, so, the owner will wait till the right new owner comes along.... :)


All that for £400 ono...Dell cost LOTS more than that, but this sale isn't about money, it's about finding Dell a new home...:yes::hmm:


Reason for him going, a sudden change in the home life...:)

Edited by Norrie
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