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Live catch Fox trap construction


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Hey guys. I was wondering if any of you seasoned trappers could give your opinions to back me up? I've got some heavy gauge 2" mesh from the scrappy and the sheets are in two sizes. I've got two sheets at 24" wide by about 5' long and two sheets at 20" wide and 5' long. I've got some odd offcuts hanging around that I can make the back and door with so I'm not worried about that for now.


Personally I think the trap would be better at 24" high and only 20" wide? What do you think? I recon it's more important to have comfortable headroom and 20" is plenty wide enough? I'm thinking that as I'm slightly restricted by the mesh size it's best to make the box "Fox shaped"? Ie taller than it is wide? I've shot lots of trapped Foxes but the traps I've been called out to so far are even bigger, I'd say 24" or even 30" square.


What do you think? I know it wants to be at least 4' long.

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Well I had a good look on the 'net and it seems that a lot of commercially made traps are taller than they are wide. Some are also a lot smaller than mine so hopefully it will work ok. So far I've cut the panels, tacked them together with cable ties and have now started to wire it all up neatly. I had some trouble with the trap flexing but I've solved that by bracing the door end with roof ties. I've also made the door but haven't got the release or lock mechanism in place yet.


So far all it's cost me is maybe three hours of my time and a tenner. It's looking good and I'll get some pictures up when it's finished so others can copy it (assuming it works and someone may want to?!).

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