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Hampshire Firearms

daft dog

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Well, after being told i was going to have to wait between 2-4months for a variation to come back after having yet another home visit to check things out i thought i had better just bite the bullet (excuse the pun), load up on ammo limits and bung in for my variation.


FAC, cheque, forms and letter were sent about a three weeks ago, cheque cashed a week later. I phoned them for the first time today to be told it was posted on Tuesday....sure enough i got home and there is was sat on the door mat.


Whilst i know some forces turn things around in less three weeks i must say that Hamsphire have definatly sped things up recently and i must commend them for that (i think they are a man down as well, so his work has been spread about). I was prepared for the worst, but now it looks like i can get myself a few pressies before christmas :good:


Interestingly after i was told by my old FEO, that i would need a "home visit" from my new FEO (i presume to check i had adequate space in the cabinet.... :/ ) they have granted me all that i asked for without a home visit. I personally didn't understand why they needed to undertake another, and it appears they didn't. I guess as i can demonstrate "good reason" for all i asked for, on top of what i have there were no problems.


Anyway, Well done Hampshire for reducing the turn around time for my variation. Hopefully its a sign of even better things to come.


Cheers all



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Hampshire have their faults but have always found them very quick on their turnaround



They were very quick on a change in condition i put in for about 6 months back (to include deer on my 6.5x55) turned it around inside of three working days including posting it. Everyone i had spoken to recently, including 3 different RFDs, had all quoted me between 2-4 months.


Needless to say pleasently surprised.

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