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back on the sprouts today


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well my son jamie and me went back to the sprout field verminator 69 and i shot on sunday .

got out the house at 730am and headed to the field with the intention of being set up for the first arrivals but we had heavy rain through the night and the snow had had a good shift throught the night and it was still raining .


we arrived at 7.45am and the field was still but some pigeons in the air but not the thousands we had seen before . we met alan (verminator 69 )who kindly dropped of 200 shells for me as i was running low we set up on the far side of the field but the arriving birds just would not drop to the decoys so after 1 hour and 10 shot we made the choice to move :angry: .we set up on the farm side of the field and jamie went up the strip of wood to my left and almost staight away got into the action taking some fine birds as they flighted over his head and to the trees behind him .at this point we were getting more geese and ducks over us than pigeons the birds seem to have shifted of the sprouts and back to the rape we could see dig flocks heading away to the north east of us .


after 20 min the birds started to show more intrest in the decoys and started to drop in over my right shoulder and i started to knock them down quite fast then i shot a high crosser and it dropped from a good hight and it was raining small bit of rape on inspection it was full of rape .at 1pm it started to slow up so we started to pack up .


we finnished up with 79 ans3 lost on the way home we checked in on sum rape fields we have and they were blue with pigeon next time out i think we will look at them


atb andy







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Another good bag had a couple of 50s but way short of a ton so far out the next three days but weather looks poor FOG FOG and More FOG .


Keep at it boys OTH

well oth you cant have it good all the time buddy lololol hope the fog lifts and lets you get a shot at them a :good: :good: :good:


atb andy

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