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need advise bought cocking a pump

xX Hunter UK Xx

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i have got given a Stevens model 77f savage arms an old gun made in USA. nice gun that has a twist variable choke. only problem with it is once you fired a shot you can pump to eject the cartridge but even if you have a cartridge in it you have to push the plate on the bottom up to pump the gun so it loaded again. and it allot of effort where most pumps just pump up and down to load the cartridge.


if any of that made any sense is that what the pump is meant to do or is it a problem with the gun

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Could be the shell-plate carrier....take it to your local dealer for him to have a look at.Shell-plate should move up/down as you work the slide.


it look like it should go up it was awfall when i got it only just cleaned it up but i cant load a shell until i go to work tomorrow. and how much at a gun shop would it be to get mened if it somethink simple like 20-100 or to they go over the top.

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I had a Savage Stevens pump action . Good gun apart from the fact that I had to press the slide release button very time I worked the action after a while. I had just gone to great lengths to fix another problem with the cartridge retainer catch so I lost patience and got rid .

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