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  1. No, no, no Conor. That’s simply the party line. I’m away currently, hence my scant posts, and can only dip into the forum on rare occasions , but I’ll be back on the 21st and will endeavour to give the forum my full attention. 🙂
  2. ……and round and round we go. Any idea what BASC’s etc, ‘voluntary transition’ was in response to Conor?
  3. Can you tell me Conor, what was BASC’s etc ‘voluntary transition’ in response to?
  4. Acrylics will do it. Paynes Gray and white are all you need. Farrow & Ball make a colour actually called ‘Pigeon’. It’s available in sample pot size, but you’d be better off with the acrylics I mentioned. More variations in tone and tougher.
  5. We once asked some EA staff who were working on a mates farm, this very question. They told us to ‘just shoot them’ ! We didn’t.
  6. Quite. I’ve read in more than one article that without cheap Mexican migrant labour, the economy in those parts where it is prevalent, would be hit hard.
  7. Yes, they are impressive boots indeed. I’m on my second pair. First pair lasted maybe 8 years or so of moderate to heavy use, and were only binned because I couldn’t find anyone to resole them.
  8. Where there is evidence of domestic abuse, as far as I’m aware. This sounds to me that some forces are using that as a means to question partners, wives etc as a matter of course regardless of whether there is evidence or not. It is widely open to abuse of power by the police. Where does it end? For example: a neighbour ( a field away ) owns a dog which has already attacked two other dogs in the village and has had three attempts at attacking mine. It is a beast of a rescue dog and will rip mine to pieces, which goes into an adrenalin fuelled frenzy each time we meet. I’ve sworn once at the son following a very close do, merely because I didn’t see his dog coming through the hedge to get to mine until it was a foot away and I nearly jumped out of my skin! I have to bite my tongue as the owners know I’m a firearms owner, so my OH has tried to resolve the problem, telling me to stay out of it, but no joy. What if the rozzers ask ‘Any disputes with the neighbours?’ 🤷‍♂️
  9. It’s a police initiative, not a government one.
  10. Scarpa. Nuff said.
  11. Ok, thanks….I think. However, the question ( along with many others ) still remains unanswered; what was BASC’s etc ‘voluntary transition’ in response to?
  12. Thank you. I have a list somewhere of the chronology of the steel shot issue as far back as when Shifty Swifty was in charge of the LAG ( 2016?) and writing a blog I think for Mark Avery, and before that, if I can find it. I’ve moved house twice since then, once in an almighty rush! 🙂 I ask again, what was BASC’s etc ‘voluntary transition’ in response to?
  13. Scully


    Yes, cracking reads. Have read most of them if not all. Same here. Will give them a gander. The 87th Precinct novels of Ed McBain are well worth a read too.
  14. Ok. Let’s try it another way. What was BASC’s ‘voluntary transition’ from the use of lead shot for live quarry shooting, in response to? You must know Conor; we discussed this during our phone call! This is fun isn’t it! 🙂
  15. If they interview my ex I’m stuffed! 😄 She despises me!
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