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claw injury....


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my dog has suffered a nasty injury to his claw whislt out running on rough terrain......

the claw seems to have been ripped clean off and all that remains is a bloody, fleshy looking quick ??????

the bleeding was quite severe to begin but has stopped.... ive put a clean childs sock over it and bandaged it up, as he seems in alot of pain with it and is obviously hopping around on it and feeling rather sorry for himself....(i would too!)


so, reguarding the vet, its new years day, tomorrow is sunday and monday is bloody bank holiday........ its not that i begrudfe the poor little feller the cost of treatment, more acase of im not so sure its an emergency if you know what i mean.....


has anyone got any advice on how i can treat it, or if it deffo need vetenary attention....also, if theres any pain releif i can offer him out of our own medical cabinet.....?

would it be beter to attend the vets and have some anti biotics or will it just dry up and sort itself out with a bit of dog lick ...hahaha ,but seriously, it looks nasty, he's not happy....any one got any advice...


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I had the same problem my springer ripped the claw right out, i cleaned it up and left it for a few days but the foot swelled up and started going up her leg took her to the vets who gave her anti biotics he said we only just caught it in time as she could have lost her leg,i took a risk but it nearly back fired.

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I had the same problem my springer ripped the claw right out, i cleaned it up and left it for a few days but the foot swelled up and started going up her leg took her to the vets who gave her anti biotics he said we only just caught it in time as she could have lost her leg,i took a risk but it nearly back fired.


point taken.... will take him tomorrow..... better get the check book ready ....

it looks bloody nasty, completly raw the quick is with a bloody tip in the middle....he sure feels sorry for himself, ive even allowed the little bleeder to come and sit on the couch !!!

wish i could give him something for the pain as he seems to be quite hot and breathing heavy, although that probly cos he's a bit to warm sitting on the couch and all....


ar well, better strap a rubber glove over it all now cos he's gonna get his bandage wet going for a wazz !!

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point taken.... will take him tomorrow..... better get the check book ready ....

it looks bloody nasty, completly raw the quick is with a bloody tip in the middle....he sure feels sorry for himself, ive even allowed the little bleeder to come and sit on the couch !!!

wish i could give him something for the pain as he seems to be quite hot and breathing heavy, although that probly cos he's a bit to warm sitting on the couch and all....


ar well, better strap a rubber glove over it all now cos he's gonna get his bandage wet going for a wazz !!

In the meantime, I would strongly advise a quick and gentle antiseptic woundwash, human stuff is fine (same basic ingredients). This should make him more comfortable and reduce the risk of infection and swelling. Sock/bandage on after washing it as dogs saliva is rife with pathogens.

If he has had chance to lick it and infect it and you've not woundwashed it quickly, the chances are that infection is already present - sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It's still worth woundwashing though as it can help slow the spread of infection.

A trip to the vets is on the cards. :sly:


All the best to you both :good:




Ps as regards panting - a common sign of dogs in discomfort, but unfortunately of infection and fever/high temp. Keep an eye on it, obviously.

If the paw isn't swollen, chances are you are right and it's cos the dog isn't used to the warm couch.

Edited by The Duncan
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It's unlikely to be a problem. Simple nail injuries I tend to prescribe painkillers, if there's further damage then they get antibiotics too. The worst one is when a claw is partially torn and obviously hanging and causing pain.


The biggest source of infection is from the dog constantly licking it. Sadly a bandage can keep things nasty and sweaty and predispose to infection. I use them for 24 hours if the claw is bleeding, but no longer than that and they MUST be kept dry.


There may be some painkillers suitable for dogs available at home, you should speak to your vet. Human painkillers must not be used long term as increased risk of side effects.

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thanks for the advice guys....

phoned the vet today, he said what i was doing seemed fine and to give him half a parecetamol as a one off just to give him a rest from the pain....

he slept for a while after that and seemed fine when he woke up... i removed the dressing and he left it alone, which is good.... he seems to be walking better on it too....

ive re dressed it tonight to stop him licking it all night as this is usually when he tends to get stuck in with things like that, hahhah

dosent look infected in any way..... go to take him the vets next week for boosters so ill get it checked then, unless it worsens ,then obviously ill take him sooner....


to be honest he seems more miserable when he's got the bandage on..... poor little sod....


anyhoo, thanks for the advice...

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