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is it possible


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M/C conversions entirely possible, but unless you have something like a Perazzi where a few hundred spent on the gun is worthwhile, it will be far cheaper to either acquire another barrel thats M/C or sell and repurchase the gun.


Also, if its for a S/A most people tend to just buy two F/C barrels - its pretty common to find a semi with a shorter open choked barrel, and a longer tighter one - and theres a good 2nd hand market for extra barrels for guns.


In my experience of 20yrs in the gun trade, almost every destroyed set of barrels I come across are M/C, chokes blown out. Its more common than people imagine and while M/C gives you all the choke options the down side is the chance of failure is much higher.




Even O/Us S/Ss can go the two barrel both fixed route as often a good alternative soln to having M/C barrels.


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