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Hard days ferreting

Go Go Gadget

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Took the ferrets out today to a bit of land that i had already tried about 3 week ago.


Got 5 off this land the last time i came so was expecting a few more today. Tried all the sets in the area and the dogs only marked sets that i hadnt tried last time, any that i did the previous visit were empty.


First set the dogs marked was a 3 holer in woodland behind a school playing field. Only found it yesterday when on a walk so thought id have a walk up the hill to it and see if it was in use. It is a tricky set to net as it is under loads of dead trees and garden wate that has been thrown over from the school.

Got it netted up and put the ferret in and a rabbit bolted instantly. Onee in the bag. No more intrest from the ferret after this so we moved on.

Didnt get no pictures of this set .


Next set was even harder to net up. It is a blackthorn and holly hedge along side a pond and has 4 seperate 10 or so hole sets along its length.

Last visist ii got 2 rabbits from 2 of the sets on the hedge, the dog wasnt interested in either of those warrens but showed a lot of interest in one of the others.



As you can see it is a bit tight under the hedge, all fours stuff. got netted up and again a rabbit bolted almost instantly, taking the net with it. lurcher pup managed to grab it quickly enough though.


Had a bit of a break, so took a few photos of the dogs





Checked a couple more sets with no results, exept missing a rabbit due to an unseen bolt hole. Got to the last two sets which are in the side of the farmers rubbish dump. No scent in the first one but the dogs set the second. Here are a few pictures of the bank after we had cleared it off.



managed two out of here and got lucky with one. Ferret was layed up with it but the rabbit struggled free and bolted from another unspotted hole. The rabbit ran out and tried to hide under a peice of wood, and was soon picked up and dispatched.


So only managed four, not big numbers, but was a fun day and better than been at home



sorry for the long winded post :)

Edited by Go Go Gadget
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