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20G OR 12G


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I am looking to get a single barreled shotgun for my wife to start using, but I cant decide to go 20g or 12g?


I tried her on my o/u 12g but it was too heavy and with 24g cartridges it still hurt her,


Should I go 12gauge than use 21gram cartridges or 20g and try 21 or 24gram cartridges?


I want her to be able to shoot the gun but also have a hope in hell of breaking a clay every now and then.


I did try to get her to look at the Hatsan Semi youth but she hates the look and feel of the gun so thats out, and I dont want to spend a lot as there is a good chance it wont get used a lot.





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My advice is rather than buy a gun book her some lessons, find a coahc/ground she likes where she feels comfortable and spend £200 on lessons that way she will at the end of the know be a decent shot, know how to mount the gun and what she prefers,


My girlfriend can use a 12 bore (26" browning lightwieght with 21g shells) but she is 5'10", however she finds a 20 lighter and easier to handle (hence my wanted ad) one of her friends who shoots is 5'5" and petite build shoots a 20 bore but can't a 12. Balance is key as is anatomy :good:


If your dead set on buying her a gun then a semi is one option (my GF doesnt like the look of them either) but i would say a light 20bore O/U is probably better until she gets serious and goes for a 12. Even the younger smaller female top shots shoot 12 bores (abbey burton etc) but most recreational ladies shoot 20 as do lots of guys particularly older or smaller build 12 are cheaper to feed and with light low recoil shells 21g it gives you an option.

Edited by HDAV
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