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Best Customer Service in the World? Guerini !


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Had a small issue with my new Guerini, spoke to Director Mike Mansfield on the phone (a cracking shot, as is his ex-Olympian partner Kevin Gill).


Next day, I had a personal visit to their premises as I was going down that area. The welcome was very warm and Mike managed to fix my issue in no time at all despite being very busy, he put himself out and helped immediately.


I came away with a grin from ear-to-ear, with a sorted gun and a mountain of tips from a very experienced shot. This really is how customer service should be, times I think we Brits have gotten used to not expecting it.


Did you know, they have a mandated 1-week turnaround on any service job? And if they can't get your gun back within that week, come hell or high water, they will get you another gun in your hand in the meantime.


Contrast that to my guns from my 'other' marque, which when I needed service, I waited 5 weeks to see my gun again - with no stand-in gun to shoot with either.


They are a small operation, Guerini have really managed to rise to the very top in customer service as far as I am concerned.


I will probably stay with them for my shooting life now. I know I can rely on them 100%


Just blown away, delighted.


I had to report my experiences, I hope you too get service like this with your brand.

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  • 11 months later...

just goes to show, my experience of Guerini UK has been the very opposite so much so that I will soon take the big hit and turn my back on that manufacturer, not because of a poor product but because of the attitude of the very person you have mentioned and yes! I have had personal contact with him albeit after many, many unanswered emails and only then after the intervention of the Italian parent company!! Wonder why they have changed their name to Anglo Italian Arms?

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Guest cookoff013

glad you are pleased, we hardly hear about when its done right.


i recently had a minor nightmare (with a different manufacturer) that lasted 2years, and a soliciters letter. i know what bad service is !

Edited by cookoff013
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