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Canada geese

king ratcatcher

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Even though they are a pest, you are still not allowed to cause them unneccesary suffering.

If you attempted to shoot one with an air rifle and wounded it so that it flew off and died elsewhere, you'd just be p*ssing on the sport for everyone else.

If anyone saw you chasing a wounded bird around and called the RSPCA and you got hauled up before the beak, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of getting a Shotgun or firearms license in the near future.


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Even though they are a pest, you are still not allowed to cause them unneccesary suffering.

Says it all really and applys to all living vermin


A arsenal of tools are required if your going to carry out most forms of pest control to put the above principal into practice ..........Humane ,Quick and efficient kills .


In this case I would liken using a 12 ft lb Airgun to trying to knock a 6" nail in with a plastic mallet



Shooters who take their Pest Control Seriuosly will have have more than a 12 ft lb Airgun in their collection



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Just to add to what I said about a bird wounded with an airgun pellet flying off and dying elsewhere causing problems, look at the situation with fishing:


Because Swans and other waterfowl were found with lead shot from fishing lines in their crops, not only did that cause problems for the angling fraternity with the use of fishing weights but also had the knock on effect of causing the shooting fraternity to have to use non-toxic shot on waterfowl.


There are lots of busybodies out there that think they'll be doing nature a favour by curtailing our freedoms.

Don't give them the ammunition they need to shoot us down. :sly:

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