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sporting lanba


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can anyone help me i have a sporting lamba. Its a old gun realy but a good one.The last few times i used it it started firing both barrels <brused shoulder> lol. Then i noticed that the selecter was jumping in to the middle so the gun did no which barrel to fire. Also the safety was not switching of so it started to stick..I was wanting a new selecter and a new safty fitted.Is there anyone in the north east area who could do it for me.Ive had it to my local gun dealer and he said the price it would cost would be more than the guns worth.

Thanks Shaun


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as i said before billy its a old gun.i use it as a second gun.i took it to bradford and stalkers they sent it to windrow sports i think ... and come back with a stupid price.ive looked on chambers gunmakers and can get a selecter and safety with postage for less than 30 pounds.i got quoted 170,00 just for the parts

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