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    Scottish Borders

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  1. What neck of the woods are you in Sam.
  2. Seen my 1st pair of swallows today up here near Kelso, no doubt you southern boys will have seen them earlier.
  3. Got Ye, 1st cast, hook line and sinker! 😂
  4. Just tried a Lidl razor, £3.89p . It is a 5 bladed one, and must say it is a very good shave at that price. Notes on packaging states the blades are made in Solingen, the blade city of Germany. Worth a try if your in the market for new razor.
  5. Ahh, but is she a woman? Or one of they gendy bendy things.
  6. Lidl ( harvest basket ) steak cut chips, Excellent!
  7. Yes, the 28p ones? are surprisingly good.
  8. Its just like, what we call fish dressing 👍
  9. Looks guid Ditchy, tell me what kind of bread you use, never really made owt with breadcrumbs, is it easy?
  10. Seek by inaturalist is what i use.
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