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Facon Lighthunter


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I have the full FN19 in Walnut Skeleton and it is still very light, it has the advantage of more shots.


The Lighthunters are fine for what they do, are easy to use because of their size and accurate (I have never known how or why the Falcons are so accurate, that barrel is about a frexible as a Bass guitar string)....Perhaps a slight drawback with the Lighthunters is shots per charge, perhaps no so much issue in 12ft lb but in FAC you don't get many!


For more info, details, advice on them, try here.....................



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rapid or a rapid or even a rapid :good:



The Theoban is a little out of my price range really Bill.



I have the full FN19 in Walnut Skeleton and it is still very light, it has the advantage of more shots.


The Lighthunters are fine for what they do, are easy to use because of their size and accurate (I have never known how or why the Falcons are so accurate, that barrel is about a frexible as a Bass guitar string)....Perhaps a slight drawback with the Lighthunters is shots per charge, perhaps no so much issue in 12ft lb but in FAC you don't get many!


For more info, details, advice on them, try here.....................




I am steering away from the lighthunter abit even though it would suit my style of plinking and a couple of the permissions I shoot! Plus its only 25ft lbs where as the other is 35ft lbs, yes?

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I am steering away from the lighthunter abit even though it would suit my style of plinking and a couple of the permissions I shoot! Plus its only 25ft lbs where as the other is 35ft lbs, yes?



I run my FN19 at around 25-26ft lb, that is sweet for the gun and me, and it gives me 32 full power shots at that power.


Like I said, talk to the guys on the Falcon Forum as I listed, they will give you every bit of advice you will ever want!


You have not advised the circumstances that are leading you to trade a CZ .22lr for FAC Air, but you will notice it! :hmm::yes::yes:

Edited by Dekers
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