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DVD's for sale... Jack Hargreaves 'Out of Town' series


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DVD's 1 - 9 of the set... NB no box £60 posted to mainland UK


this set of of 9 dvds is really wonderfull - jack hargreaves was one of the people instrumental in the beginnings of itv ,in this series jack has re-edited his programs and talks from his `tool shed`giving more info in hindsight.he fishes,spends time with characters in the new forest and visits ringwood livestock market,which has been gone for years now.he talks to country characters and spends time in an english countryside now almost extinct. he tells tales and enthuses,there isent enough room here for me to list everything on these discs.if you love the countryside,shooting,social history,horses,fishing,the south of england,wildlife and crafts or just want an insight into a world and a way of life now sadly gone




Edited by nic
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this is a really good set of dvds got them myself well worth having ( i met jack on a couple of occasions in the 70s i was beating always had time to chat) who ever buys these should get alot of enjoyment,

good lck with the sell mate if i had'nt already got them i would of snapped them up,


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