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Wanted antique guns


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Hi Ozo


Are you looking for wall pieces or shooters?


I collect myself, but only ones that I can put to use.


If you want to collect ones suitable for shooting be aware that altho' the pressures from black powder are fairly low compared to nitro, you have to be sure that the bores are OK all the way down. This is not very easy, as you obviously cannot see thro' the breech end.


Black powder is very corrosive, and many a black powder gun was left by the back door ready to be shot, but without a priming cap. Also, many a black powder gun was left for weeks before cleaning after shooting, with disastrous results to the bore.


Repros are fairly available, and relatively cheap. I've been loking for a decent boxed percussion for ages, but they are very hard to come by.


Good luck!



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