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Out of Town (Jack Hargreaves) DVDs For Sale

Mr Potter

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FOR SALE DVD's now SOLD but Jack's Game videos still available


All 9 volumes of the popular TV series of "Out of Town" presented by Jack Hargreaves. These are on DVD and are as original as you can get. Each volume contains 3 episodes so there are a total of 27 episodes, each approx. 25 minutes long so quite a few hours of quality entertainment/education.


I would like to sell them in one lot, all 9 DVDs, but if if there are no takers after a couple of days or so I will, reluctantly, split into 3 lots, volume 1 to 3, 4 to 6 and 7 to 9.


I would like £40 (including P&P) for the full set or £17.50 for any set of three. I do have a pay-pal account for buying bit & bobs off ebay but I've never had money paid into it so I will need/take advice from either the purchaser or some kind hearted PWer who'll take pity on a simpleton :lol::lol: I will also accept a cheque.


I also have some old fashioned videos of Jack's Game, the Yorkshire Television series from the 80's. I have 1 copy of "Rough Shooting", 2 copies (don't ask me how I ended up with 2 copies) of "Pigeon Shooing over Decoys" with Major Archie Coates and 1 copy of "Ferreting". There are cheap DVD copies available on ebay but these are the original videos. I would like £5.50 each for these to include the P&P. Bonus bit is that the money I make (less the P&P) will be donated to the PW NvS Charity when they get round to opening a Just Giving account or some other means of getting money in :hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:


Mr Potter

Edited by Mr Potter
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