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Jackdaw problem


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There are a loads of jackdaws around my house, on the nearby fields, everywhere really. I like to put out bird food for the song birds but I'm filling it every day at the moment due to the Jackdaws.


I've been looking at the general licences and I'm not sure where I'd stand on controlling them. I have a veg plot in my garden, but they pretty much leave that alone (rabbits do far more damage).

The problem being in that I'm supposed to try non lethal methods first to scare them away, the bird food is doing the opposite, it's bringing them in.


Personally I think I'd struggle to legally shoot them. Any advice other than stop putting bird food out?





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The only thing I can think of that could work is to put the bird food in a feeder that only birds with small beaks will be able to get. That will only be of use if you want small birds in your garden though.


I've had jackdaws nesting in, on and around my chimney pots,they peck off the mortar around the pot and block the draught with sticks etc so I did shoot some 2 years ago and they now only nest on the neighbours roofs.

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I have similar issues with them at our new place. The nesting in chimneys and destruction of mortar work would come under health and safety as would their droppings everywhere. We have a cat to scare them off but it doesn't seem to work ;)

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