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Acticare tse "TENS" machine.


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Bit of an odd one this but....

Acticare tse tens machine for sale full working order.

TENS machine







You will need to buy a new cable and set of pads(£12.50)from acticare , order form is with it.

Cost me £200.00 looking for £65.00 posted. o.n.o

Bank transfer or paypal +4%.



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Yours is a TSE machine....much better than TENS, they are 2 different animals :good:


TSE units are a totally pain and 'tingle' free device that usually helps most pain, I got one to help my Pancreatitis....VERY painful, but I use it just a much for headaches, backache and just general feeling very second hand....recommended :D

Edited by jacksdad
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