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mystery scope


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I have a fixed scope maybe 4x40 and all its say is accuray on the scope. It is on my .22lr and the glass is stunning and all my mates think its the best theyve seen in this range. Anyone heard of it or know where I can get another. Any info would be great.


Many thanks Rob

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Just a long shot but it may have something to do with Accuracy International but a 4x40 doesn't sound much like their style.


However, scopes like so many other things get rebranded so its almost certainly a proprietory scope with a different name on it, The clues will be there if you know what to look for. Is it blacked aluminium or lacquer finish, and things like that.To a knowldgeable scope person the adjustment mechanisms would be a give away.

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thanks vince useful info. I use Meopta 8x56, And a Shmidt in the same flavour also Bushnell Elite 3200 all good scopes but this little old thing is every bit as good. Obviously the mag is not so good and it looks like a cheap old thing but the wide range view is great and crytal clear and it never loses zero. Do you know any scope experts I could take a pic and send it off.

Edited by dillieboy
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