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A refreshing change


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I recently bought a shooters waiscoat after seeing one of the guys (SemiautoLee?) on here post a pic of him in his and a link to the item on ebay.

Price was a reasonable £30.00 and it was delivered pretty quick AND it was a 3XL and fitted like a 3XL :good:

On unpacking the vest I noticed a tiny bit of loose stitching but wasn't overly concerned as I thought I'd tidy it up meself.

On wearing the vest sunday for the first time, within a matter of minutes the action of putting my hand in/out the cartridge pocket on the front the darn thing started to come away, the stitching was just pulling as I hadn't been finished off properly.


I emailed the ebay seller, and sent him a couple of photo's to illustrate the explanation and received an email back to say that he'd physically checked a replacement one before despatching it DHL, I rung him and asked if they were going to uplift the faulty one at same time ? He told me........to keep it, use it as a spare, get it fixed if I want........Result :good:

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Promising but I'd hold final judgement until the new one is road tested.


Mind you, at 3xl it probably won't take long for your sausage fingers to knack the next one.

OIYYYYYYYY Thats a bit harsh :o :o


Well, You doubting So and so, DHL have just delivered the new one (2pm Saturday) :good:

And this one's perfectly stitched and finished, so job's a good un, AND I got to keep the original one which just needs a few minutes stitching :P

Anyways, here's a link to the item, and I'd recommend the guy as being good to deal with from what I've experienced.


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