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Pigeon shooting around loughborough, liecestershire?

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Hi guys,


I've been shooting clays for a while now and have a couple of 12g shotguns. I'm very interested in going pigeon shooting but I am on a very limited budget and my traveling distance is rather small. I'm in the loughborough/coalville area of Liecestershire, my regular clay shooting club is at wymswold. Any shooting opertunities in this area would be greatly appriciated.


Many thanks.

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all I can suggest is spend some time knocking farmers doors when you see a lot of pigeons on the fields chances are a lot will turn you down but with any luck you may get 1 that says yes :good:

do you have any transport, insurance, decoys etc.

where is it your from?

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I currently have no insurance, although i am in pipe line of aquiring some with CPSA. Niether do I have any decoys, infact the only really useful kit i have is my pump action, a DPM jacket and a camo net. Transport is, at the moment, friends and family, as I haven't yet passed my driving test (also in the pipe line).


I'm from whitwick, near Coalville. Not too far from Loughborough though, and i go clay shooting at wymswold.


I was thinking about door knocking with local farmers but i didn't know how they would react. I was a tad worried they'd not only say no, but also complain to some higher athaurity (spelling? Most probably incorrect, my appologies) and I'd have my licence under question.

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What do you mean complain to higher authority mate?


If you have a good rapport with your club, try asking about there, there is a good chance someone will pigeon shoot and might take you out for a day as taster.




I currently have no insurance, although i am in pipe line of aquiring some with CPSA. Niether do I have any decoys, infact the only really useful kit i have is my pump action, a DPM jacket and a camo net. Transport is, at the moment, friends and family, as I haven't yet passed my driving test (also in the pipe line).


I'm from whitwick, near Coalville. Not too far from Loughborough though, and i go clay shooting at wymswold.


I was thinking about door knocking with local farmers but i didn't know how they would react. I was a tad worried they'd not only say no, but also complain to some higher athaurity (spelling? Most probably incorrect, my appologies) and I'd have my licence under question.

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